Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

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January 6, 2013
Kai lan/Gai lan
resep kailan daging sapi siram dentist chef
Kai-lan (also written as gai-lan) is the Cantonese name for a vegetable that is also known as Chinese broccoli. It is a leaf vegetable featuring thick, flat, glossy blue-green leaves with thick stems and a small number of tiny, almost vestigial flower heads similar to those of broccoli. Broccoli and kai-lan belong to the same species Brassica oleracea, but kai-lan is in the group alboglabra [Latin albus+glabrus white and hairless]. Its flavor is very similar to that of broccoli, but slightly more bitter. It is also noticeably stronger.

Broccolini is a hybrid between broccoli and kai-lan, produced by Mann Packing Company, Inc. Kai-lan is eaten widely in Chinese cuisine, and especially in Cantonese cuisine. Common preparations include kai-lan stir-fried with ginger and garlic, and boiled or steamed and served with oyster sauce. It is also common in Vietnamese cuisine, Myanmar and Thai cuisine. Kai-lan can be sown in late summer for early-winter harvesting. Seedlings planted in autumn will last all winter
Bahan/Ingredient :
  • 1 pack kai lan (about 300 gr)
  • 150 gr daging sukiyaki/ thiny sliced beef, cincang halus/finely chopped
  • 3 bawang putih/garlic,cincang halus/finely chopped
  • 1 bawang merah/shallot, cincang halus/finely chopped
  • 1 sdm saus tiram/1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • garam & merica bubuk/salt & pepper
  • 1 sdm margarine, untuk menumis
  • 1 sdt minyak wijen/ 1 tsp sesame oil
Instruction :
  • Blanch the kailan in boiling water, put into ice water, drain & set aside
  • Heat up the margarine in wok pan, saute the garlic and shallot until browned
  • Add the beef, salt and pepper, stir until the beef cooked
  • Add oyster sauce, kailan and stock, bring to boil
  • Turn the flame of and drizzle the sesame oil
  • Serve immediately
Posted in Indonesian Food, Resep Chinese Food, Resep sapi (BEEF), Resep Sayuran (VEGGIES). Tagged , , , , , , .

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